Teaching at a primary school
Monde primary school is located 13km from Victoria Falls along Victoria Falls – Bulawayo road. The school has a total enrolment of 314 children (168 males and 146 females). Forty-nine (49) of the children are in early childhood class with twenty-four boys and twenty-five girls. The school has ten teachers (4 males and 6 females) supporting all grades with one teacher responsible for ECD. The community is rich in cultural diversity with over 5 languages spoken.
While this is an interesting perspective, it has its own advantages and disadvantages to the development of the community. Different harmful cultural practices continuously have to be addressed while on the other hand some cultures believe in working for themselves while others have a different perspective. Furthermore, due to the close proximity of the school to Victoria Falls, the school and community at large has been exposed to too many handouts from the tourism sector which has cultivated a culture of redundancy and donor syndrome. Volunteers in this project are actively engaged in working directly with the local community and teachers to support the education of the children. Volunteers will find themselves teaching children in any of the classes varying from kindergarten – 3 to 5 year olds to grade sevens – 12 to 13 year olds. On another day, volunteers may find themselves scheduling and assisting planning in the school to facilitate quality education for the children.
Volunteers will work between 0900hrs to 1300hrs daily from Monday to Friday. They will also engage in facilitating feeding of children and supporting maintaining health and safety standards for the children. In relation to teaching, volunteers will teach maths, English, play with children and other home economics related activities. As such, every volunteer whether they are good or not in English or other subjects, this is not a pre-requisite as they will be able to engage with children without a problem.